Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Twitter Holding A Mobile-Focused Platform Event April 2 To Discuss “Exciting New Features,” No Press Allowed

The link to the full story is here

Twitter has released an open invite form to a developer press event it’s holding April 2 on its dedicated developer website today. The event is mobile-focused, Twitter says, and will take place at Twitter HQ between 6:30 PM and 9:30 PM Pacific. Twitter says it will use the occasion to share “some exciting new features for the Twitter Platform” it has been working on.
In a blog post announcing the news, Twitter says that the event will address how developers can “best integrated Twitter into [their] mobile experience,” and notes that space is limited. The entry form asks potential attendees to submit their name, the name of their company, their email and Twitter user name, and the invite is open to developers, product managers, designers and more, but not to press.
Twitter has been making changes to its API and how it works with third-party developers, including the retirement of API v1, which it began blackout testing for earlier this month. Other recent changes include the debut of its advertising API, which allows brands to run ad campaigns through its partners instead of setting them up directly through the company itself.
The version 1.1 API Twitter officially launched back in September 2012 instituted token limits on third-party apps, and seemed in general designed to discourage apps from trying to replicated the “core” Twitter experience, or what it provides through its own web and native clients.
A number of Twitter developers have expressed trepidation at what might be on tap from the company in terms of platform announcements (see Tweetbot developer Paul Haddad’s thoughts below), but Twitter is definitely trying to spin this positive in its own characterization of the event.

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