Thursday, May 23, 2013

Introducing a New Way to Navigate Your LinkedIn Experience [VIDEO]

The link to the full story is here

You may have noticed that we’ve been on a mission to simplify LinkedIn. We hope you’re enjoying a simpler and easier, yet elegant and engaging experience across your mobile and desktop experiences. From the redesigned Homepage, to the new Profile, and the recently revamped mobile application, we are continuously looking for ways to improve your everyday LinkedIn experience. Today, we are excited to unveil our latest effort, the new LinkedIn navigation bar.
Over the last year and half we’ve had the chance to learn quite a bit from you about the types of changes that add the most value to your daily professional life, and we’ve brought some of these learnings to the new navigation. When approaching this re-design, we analyzed years of navigation data to determine which links were adding the most value for you, and which could be removed to create a more focused and streamlined experience. We also observed how useful Search was as a productivity tool, and aligned the search box with the results page, for fine-tuned search efficiency.
So what has changed?
As you explore the new navigation bar, you will notice a few visually striking differences, including a simplified menu of tabs to help you quickly and easily locate the features and content that are of most value to you. We have also moved the search bar front and center to make easier than ever to discover and find what you’re looking for on LinkedIn.
We’ve also ensured that your settings and other account options are a click away. Just hover over your profile picture in the upper right hand corner and the drop down menu gives you quick access to your account options, language and settings.
Check out this video to get you started on the new LinkedIn navigation bar today:
Over the next month, all English-speaking members around the world will get to experience the new navigation. We designed this new navigation experience to make it simpler and easier to use and look forward to hearing what you think.

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